Your counsellor and hypnotherapist Amanda
Until the age of 35, I worked in a string of unfulfilling office jobs. Yet when I asked myself what I really wanted to do with my life, I wasn't sure. All I knew was I wanted to make a positive difference in people's lives somehow.
Then one day I had a panic attack - the first of many, as it turned out. I didn't know why. All of a sudden they just started happening. To try to get to the bottom of it, I decided to have some counselling. The results were fantastic: no more mystery panics!
Having experienced first-hand how good counselling is for helping people turn their lives around, I decided I'd like to train as a counsellor.

Not long after, I had hypnotherapy as a means of pain management. Again, the results were brilliant and, since I felt both therapies complemented each other, I decided to train as a hypnotherapist too.
Trust me when I say that you have the ability to heal your mind and face the future with positivity, with me as your therapeutic guide. It starts with just one little step: pick up the phone and call me on 07970 924374 or drop me an email. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Amanda Gibbons
Dip. Couns, MBACP (Accred), DPH, DNLP, CertWMS, CertSCS
I am registered, accredited and bound by both the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy's Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy, and the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council Code of Ethics.